StudentSecure 留学生医疗保险适合于持F、J、M、R 或其它签证去美国留学的国际学生(包括 OPT实习期),或去美国参加教育研究、学术交流的国际访问学者。来自全球 180多个国家的留学生和访问学者可以申请。 StudentSecure 保险符合美国国务院对J-1/ J-2 签证医疗保险的要求。
Tokio Marine HCC WorldTrips 是总部位于美国Indianapolis的医疗保险公司,它的国际医疗保险产品在行业内处于领先地位。Tokio Marine HCC 保险公司获得国际主要金融评级机构标准普尔(Standard & Poor’s)的 AA 评级、惠誉国际信⽤用(Fitch Ratings)的 AA 评级、⻉⽒评级机构(A.M. Best)的 A+ 评级。 您可在 WorldTrips 保险公司网站上免费查询 StudentSeucre 保险的保费,只需输入出生日期和保险日期就能马上得到自动报价。用信用卡或 Paypal 在网上购买,整个过程只需几分钟即可完成,并马上收到保险证明。您可通过 Member Portal 在网上管理自己的保险帐号,例如提交理赔申请、取消/延长保险、打印保险证明及更多。 |
当您查询 StudentSecure 保险的保费,选择保险计划,选择额外保障,填写申请人信息后,接下来可确认 StudentSecure 保险申请资格。
Select Type of Visa:在这里选择 F、J、M、R 或其它(Other)签证类别
Host Country:指留学所在国家
去美国留学,就选择 "United States“。
Name of School or Organization:就读学校名称
State: (If Host Country is US):在美国的哪个州留学
Student/Scholar Status:哪类学生/学者
研究生选“Graduate",本科生选“Undergraduate",访问学者选“Scholar“;中学生选 “High school/ Secondary”。
Does the Participant meet all eligibility requirements?:申请人是否符合申请资格?
如果符合申请条件,在这里选 "Yes"。
填写完毕后,点击“NEXT STEP"进入下一页。
根据 StudentSecure 的保险条款,留学生/访问学者符合以下的条件可以申请:
1. 是在美国的大专院校注册的全日制学生(不包括网上大学),或者是在成为全日制学生之前的31天之内,可得到StudentSecure 保险的保障。
2. 或在美国的教育机构从事工作或研究,每周至少30小时的全日制学者,可以申请 StudentSecure 保险。
3. 或者年龄在19周岁以下,在美国的中学注册学习的留学生,也可以申请StudentSecure 保险。
持有效的 F-1 或 J-1 签证的留学生/学者,不需要满足全日制学生学者这一条件,只要在有效的 F1/J1 签证期内就可以申请StudentSecure 保险。比如持 F-1/ J-1 签证参加 Optional Practical Training 或者 Curricular Practical Training 的留学生,在语言学校学习的留学生等都可以申请。持其它类别签证如 M1 签证去美国留学的学生,仍需满足全日制学生的要求。
1. You must be under age 65; and
a. A full-time student at a college or university (excluding online colleges and universities); or
b. Within 31 days of being a full-time student at a college or university; or
c. A student under age 19 enrolled in a secondary school; or
d. A full-time scholar affiliated with an educational institution and performing work or research for at least 30 hours per week; and
2. You must be residing outside your home country for the purpose of pursuing international educational activities; and
3. You must not have obtained residency status in your host country; and
4. If in the U.S., you must hold a valid education-related visa. A copy of the I-20 or DS2019 may be requested.
J-1 and F-1 visa holders: The full-time student/scholar status requirement is waived within the U.S. if you have a valid F-1 visa (including OPT) or a J-1 visa. Full-time status requirements remain in force for individuals holding M-1, or other category visas.
Eligibility Definitions
Full-time Student means a student at a college or university who is taking 10 credit hours (undergraduate students) or 6 credit hours (graduate students). Full-time student status for individuals enrolled at colleges or universities that do not use a credit hour system must provide documentation of full-time student status.
Full-time Scholar means an individual who is affiliated with an educational institution and is engaging in educational activities for at least 30 hours per week. These activities may include but may not be limited to performing research in an area of specialty or teaching for a temporary period of time.”